
Australia detectó dos primeros casos con la nueva variante del coronavirus ómicron

Ambos dieron positivo por covid-19 tras arribar de un viaje en el sur de África.

SYDNEY, AUSTRALIA - NOVEMBER 28: Passengers arrive at Sydney International Airport on November 28, 2021 in Sydney, Australia. NSW Health authorities will now send people who have been overseas in the two weeks before their arrival into three days of home quarantine, as the state works out its response to the threat posed by a new, “concerning” variant of COVID-19 named Omicron. Premier Dominic Perrottet says precautionary steps are needed to protect against the Omicron variant while experts investigate the risk to the public. The border control, announced on Saturday evening, is on top of new restrictions imposed by the federal government on Saturday, closing the border to nine countries in Southern Africa. Australian citizens entering NSW who have been in South Africa, Lesotho, Botswana, Zimbabwe, Mozambique, Namibia, Eswatini, Malawi, and the Seychelles in the last two weeks must now do two weeks of mandatory hotel quarantine. (Photo by James D. Morgan/Getty Images)

SYDNEY, AUSTRALIA - NOVEMBER 28: Passengers arrive at Sydney International Airport on November 28, 2021 in Sydney, Australia. NSW Health authorities will now send people who have been overseas in the two weeks before their arrival into three days of home quarantine, as the state works out its response to the threat posed by a new, “concerning” variant of COVID-19 named Omicron. Premier Dominic Perrottet says precautionary steps are needed to protect against the Omicron variant while experts investigate the risk to the public. The border control, announced on Saturday evening, is on top of new restrictions imposed by the federal government on Saturday, closing the border to nine countries in Southern Africa. Australian citizens entering NSW who have been in South Africa, Lesotho, Botswana, Zimbabwe, Mozambique, Namibia, Eswatini, Malawi, and the Seychelles in the last two weeks must now do two weeks of mandatory hotel quarantine. (Photo by James D. Morgan/Getty Images)

Durante esta jornada de domingo, Australia informó la detección de sus dos primeros casos con la nueva variante del coronavirus ómicron.

Según consignó El País, estas dos personas llegaron en un vuelo proveniente de Doha, donde habían hecho escala tras salir de un país del sur de África.

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Ambos casos positivos con la variante ómicron llegaron asintomáticos al estado de Nueva Gales del Sur, Australia, con su esquema de vacunación completa. La detección se dio luego de analizar la secuencia del virus de los dos pasajeros que habían dado positivo por covid-19.

Recordemos que ante esta nueva cepa de la enfermedad, diversos países, sobre todo en Europa, han cancelado los viajes aéreos hacia África ante la expansión de la nueva variante del coronavirus ómicron.

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